Vin Number Decoding
The VIN is an
acronym for Vehicle Identification Number. Many people
have asked, "What does the VIN number on my Mark VIII
mean?" Here is some information:
The first 3 digits are the world manufacturer code. All
Lincolns that are sold as complete vehicles start with
The fourth VIN
digit is the vehicle restraint system. The shop manual
says cars with active safety belts, air bags in both
positions are "L." Most VIN numbers submitted to the
club so far have L in this position. My 1998 has VIN has
F in this position. No definition for this letter is
Digit 5 to 7
indicate the vehicle line series and body type. M91 is
the Mark VIII, while M92 is the Mark VIII LSC. All 1995
LSC's and early 1996 LSC's are designated M91. The only
way to tell if you have an LSC is to see if it has the
Euro-perforated seats, true dual exhausts, chrome
directional wheels and says LSC on back. The 1996 LSC's
also have HID headlamps standard, as may have a few
Digit 8 is the
engine code. It is V for the 4.6 liter EFI 4 valve per
cylinder eight cylinder engine that is found only in the
Mark VIII.
Digit 9 is the
check digit code, whatever that is. This is some sort of
verification code for Ford. There is probably some
formula to generate this digit from the rest of the
Digit 10 is
the model year code.
Digit 11 is
the assembly plant. It is always Y for the Mark VIII's,
which were all made in the Wixom, Michigan assembly
The last 6
digits are the production sequence number. The first
Lincoln/Mercury of the year gets the number 600001. The
first Ford of the year gets the number 100001. The VIN
number does not give your the date of manufacture or
what accessories the vehicle has.
The date of
manufacture, color, trim, brake type, transmission type,
radio and spring type can be gleaned from the Vehicle
Certificate on the left hand front door jamb. If you
want to find out the accessories originally on your
vehicle, you need to find the build (ROT) sheet. I found
mine behind the driver's seat underneath the carpet,
when I replaced my carpet. The location of these sheets
is variable, and sometimes they are missing. Then again
sometimes there are ROT sheets from multiple vehicles in
one car. It would be an interesting project, if we could
collect from website visitors the information on the ROT
sheets. Then we will be able to figure out what the
letters on the sheets mean.
If you have
any additional information on VIN numbers or ROT sheets,
please contact the webmaster.
Article written by Alexander Sosiak with
information from the 1998 Helms Mark VIII shop manual
and from VIN numbers submitted by members of the
Lincolns of Distinction.